2. tango vienā nedēļā
Vakardienas Rīgas svētku jaukākais mirklis bija konceptuālās dejas teātra "Tango &" (Lietuva) uzstāšanās.
Atradu viņu mājaslapu, jāateic gan, ka lietuviski, bet ar nelieliem tekstiņiem arī angliski.
"Dance Theatre “Tango &” was founded in the autumn of 2002 in Pasvalys town, 180 km north of the capital of Lithuania Vilnius. It has started as an Argentinean tango dance group in the beginning and later it grew up until the theatre level.
Its leader and choreographer is Sigitas Repsys, artistic director-Asta Liukpetriene.
There are two artistic groups in the theatre: youngsters and adults and we are 30 people in the theatre at present. Besides the theatre performances our company has group or solo performances of Argentine Tango. That is encoded in the name of our theatre “Tango &…”
Theatre has performed all over Lithuania, also in Latvia (2004, 2006, 2008, 2009) and Denmark (2008) where theatre took part on Danish Amateur Theatre Society’s festival as a guest theatre. In Hungary (2008) we were representing NEATA (North European Amateur Theatre Alliance).”Tango &” every year takes part on a most famous Lithuanian Theatre Festival “Atspindziai” and every year theatre wins the first prizes.
During the years there were created and performed many plays: El Ultima Café /2003/, Stotis (Estacion) /2004/, Trupė (La Troupe) /2005/, Būnantys (Being), Eleven Minutes, /2006/ by the novel of Paul Coelho, Prologue /2007/, Kreivi veidrodžiai /2010/ by the novel of Kristina Varžinskkaitė, Arba Aš… (I Will) /2008/ by the novel of Alessandro Baricco “Seta” (Silk) started on a National Theatre Festival Atspindziai very successfully and theatre was awarded a Grand Prix “Aukso Paukštė” (Golden Bird) in 2009.."
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